RT300系列主令控制器,主要用于港口、码头、煤矿或露天作业场合,50HZ、60HZ 电压 380V 和直流电压至 220V 控制电路中,用于控制起重机运输操作员以及类似的电气控制设备,如电机启动、速度控制和制动。
Crane & Hoist Joystick Controller Gallery

HD39 grip single axis, I type (lift to release)

HD39 grip dual axis, I type (lift to release)

HD39 grip single axis, L type (lift to release)

HD39 grip dual axis, L type (lift to release)

HD2 grip single axis, I type

HD2 grip dual axis, I type

HD2 grip single axis, L type

HD2 grip dual axis, L type

HD5 grip single axis, I type (lift to release)

HD5 grip dual axis, I type (lift to release)

HD5 grip single axis, L type (lift to release)

HD5 grip dual axis, L type (lift to release)

HD6 grip single axis, I type (press to release)

HD6 grip dual axis, I type (press to release)

HD6 grip single axis, L type (lift to release)

HD6 grip dual axis, L type (lift to release)

HD7 grip single axis with 1 pushbutton, I type

HD7 grip dual axis with 1 pushbutton, I type

HD7 grip single axis with 1 pushbutton, L type

HD7 grip dual axis with 1 pushbutton, L type

HD8 grip single axis, I type

HD8 grip dual axis, I type

HD8 grip dual axis, L type

HD10 grip dual axis, with deadman and front max. with 6 pushbuttons
RT300 Crane & Hoist Joystick Controller Diagram