RT100 多轴工业控制器主要用于液压比例控制、变频电机控制、远程控制或电液应用,如旋转台(钻机)、起重机、高空作业平台、叉车、移动液压、盾构机、起重机、海洋应用、建筑机械、土木工程、军用车辆、驾驶室车辆、军用机器人、精密机床、物料搬运设备等。
HD1 grip
HD1 grip with 1 button
HD2 ball shape grip
HD4 grip
HD4 grip with 1 button
HD5 grip
HD7 grip
HD7 grip with 1 button
HD8 grip
HD10 with deadman without button
HD10 with deadman and 1 pushbutton
HD10 with deadman and 2 pushbuttons
HD10 with deadman and 3 pushbuttons
HD10 with deadman and 4 pushbuttons
HD10 with deadman and 5 pushbuttons
HD10 with deadman and 6 pushbuttons
HD10 with deadman, 1 thumbwheel + 2 buttons
HD10 with deadman and 2 proportional thumbwheels
HD10 with deadman, rocker switch and 2 buttons
HD10 with deadman, rocker switch and 4 buttons
HD10 with deadman and rocker switch
HD10 with deadman, 1 thumbwheel and 1 button
HD15 with deadman and rocker switch
HD80 with 2 buttons