RunnTech 2 Axis Omnidirectional Joystick with Deadman, 6 Pushbutton & RS232 Output

Part number: RT02-T-3-HV1-03(589)-HD10b6-BT6②③⑥⑦G④⑤R-M6-RS232
  • RT02: RunnTech 02 series robust joystick controller;
  • T: spring return centering;
  • 2: 2 axis omnidirectional movement;
  • HV1: input: 5 Vdc, output: 0 ~ 2.5 ~ 5 Vdc;
  • 03: 3 normally open contacts in each axis;
  • 589: 2 directional switches + 1 center detecting switch;
  • HD10b6: grip backside with deadman trigger;
  • BT6②③⑥⑦G④⑤R: 6 momentary pushbuttons on upper face;
  • M6: mounting dimension: 76x76mm, central hole: 92mm.
  • RS232: RS232 connection interface.

RunnTech 2 Axis Omnidirectional Joystick with Deadman, 6 Pushbutton & RS232 Output

RunnTech 2 Axis Hoist Industrial Joystick with 4 Steps for Mining and Offshore Equipment

Product configuration: RT300-TS-3-I-4(1)-HD39-M5
  • RT300: RunnTech RT300 series industrial joystick controller;
  • TS: self-centered operation with zero interlock;
  • 3: 2 axis, omnidirectional movement;
  • I: switch assembled vertical;
  • 4: 4 steps movement in each direction;
  • 1: NO (normally open) contacts arrangement diagram;
  • HD39: grip with mechanical zero interlock;
  • M5: mounting dimension: 85x85mm, central hole: 78mm.

RunnTech 2 Axis Hoist Industrial Joystick with 4 Steps for Mining and Offshore Equipments

RunnTech Single-axis 20mA…4mA…20mA Output Joystick for Yacht and Oil & Gas system

Product configuration: RT100-T-1-I2(10K)-02(89)-HD1-M1
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series industrial joystick controller;
  • T: self-return to center position operation;
  • 1: single axis movement (default: Y axis);
  • I2: input: 24Vdc, output: 20mA…4mA…20mA;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer (with center tapped);
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in Y axis;
  • (8): contacts @ +3° to +32° (directional signal);
  • (9): contacts @ -3° to -32° (directional signal);
  • HD1: HD1 grip top without momentary pushbutton;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm;

RunnTech Single-axis 20mA...4mA...20mA Output Joystick for Yacht and Oil & Gas system

RunnTech Single-axis Friction Stay 5 Steps Joystick Controller for Hoist & Lower Control

Product configuration: RT300-MS-Y-I-V3(10K)-5(2)-HD39-M2
  • RT300: RunnTech 300 series joystick controller;
  • MS: mechanical friction stay and zero interlock;
  • Y: single axis movement (Y axis);
  • I: switch assembled vertical direction;
  • V3: input: 24V DC, output: -5V…0…+5V DC;
  • 10K: 10K Ohm conductive-plastic potentiometer with solid center tap;
  • 5: 5 steps each direction (forward and reverse);
  • 2: normally open (NO) contacts arrangements;
  • HD39: RunnTech joystick grip with mechanical zero interlock;
  • M2: mounting dimension: 85x85mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech Single-axis Friction Stay 5 Steps Joystick Controller for Hoist & Lower Control

RunnTech 2-axis 10Vdc…0…10Vdc Analog Joystick for Meat and Dairy Industry Equipment

Product configuration: RT02-T-3-V2(10K)-03(589)-HD11-M6
  • RT02: RunnTech 02 series multi-axis joystick;
  • T: self-return to center operation;
  • 3: dual axis omnidirectional movement;
  • V2: input: 24Vdc, output +10dc…~0…+10Vdc;
  • 10K: 10K linear conductive plastic track potentiometer per axis;
  • 03: 3 normally open (NO) contacts in each axis;
  • (589): contact signal for forward, center and backward in each axis;
  • HD11: grip top without pushbutton;
  • M6: mounting dimension: 76x76mm, central hole: 92mm.

RunnTech 2-axis 10Vdc...0...10Vdc Analog Joystick for Meat and Dairy Industry Equipment

RunnTech Single Axis Gated Joystick Controller with 4..12..20mA Output and 1 Button

Part number: RT100-T-1-I1(10K)-01(6)-HD4-BT1R-M1
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series multi-axis joystick;
  • T: self-return to center position;
  • 1: single axis movement;
  • I1: input: 24Vdc, output:4..12..20mA;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer (with center tapped);
  • 01: 1 normally open directional contacts signal in each axis;
  • 6: directional contact closed @ -32° to -3° and 3° to 32°;
  • HD4-BT1R: grip top with 1 momentary pushbutton;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech Single Axis Gated Joystick Controller with 4..12..20mA Output and 1 Button

RunnTech Dual Axis Free Movement (360°) Joystick with 4..12..20mA Output and 1 Button

Part number: RT100-T-3-I1(10K)-01(6)-HD4-BT1R-M1
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series multi-axis joystick;
  • T: self-return to center position;
  • 3: Y/X axis free movement (360°);
  • I1: input: 24Vdc, output:4..12..20mA;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer (with center tapped);
  • 01: 1 normally open directional contacts signal in each axis;
  • 6: directional contact closed @ -32° to -3° and 3° to 32°;
  • HD4-BT1R: grip top with 1 momentary pushbutton;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech Dual Axis Free Movement (360°) Joystick with 4..12..20mA Output and 1 Button

RunnTech Single-axis 4-20mA Analog Output Joystick to Control Vessel Main Deck Crane

Product configuration: RT100-T-1-I2(10K)-02(89)-HD15-BT1-QTOT-M1
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series industrial joystick controller;
  • T: self-return to center position operation;
  • 1: single axis movement (default: Y axis);
  • I2: input: 24Vdc, output: 20mA ~ 4mA ~ 20mA;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer (with center tapped);
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in Y axis;
  • (8): contacts @ +3° to +32° (directional signal);
  • (9): contacts @ -3° to -32° (directional signal);
  • HD15-BT1: HD15 grip handle with 1 deadman trigger;
  • QTOT: 3 position rocker switch;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm;

RunnTech Single-axis 4-20mA Analog Output Joystick to Control Vessel Main Deck Crane