RunnTech 3 Axis Spring Return to Middle DC 24V Supply with 2 Thumbwheel Joystick

Product configuration: RT100-T-2-V1(10K)-02(89)-HD10a7-W100L-V1(H)-M7
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series joystick control lever;
  • T: spring return to central operation;
  • 2: dual axis, cross limiting plate movement control;
  • V1: input: DC24V, output: -10V…0…+10V;
  • 10K: 10 kOhm conductive-plastic potentiometer;
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
  • 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
  • HD10a7: RunnTech joystick grip handle without deadman trigger;
  • W100L: thumbwheel controllers provide a three-axis control;
  • M7: mounting dimension 85x85mm, central hole: 80x80mm;

RunnTech Analog ±10V Output Joystick Lever: RT100-T-3-V1(5K)-HD10a-M7


RunnTech Self-centering 2 axis ±10V Proportional Joystick with Center Tap Potentiometer

Product configuration: RT100-T-3-V1(10K)-02(89)-HD7-BT1R-M2
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series industry joystick controller;
  • T: mechanical spring self-return (self-centering);
  • 3: dual axis, 360° free movement;
  • V1: input DC 24V, output: -10V…0…+10V;
  • 10K: 10 kOhm conductive-plastic potentiometer;
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
  • 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
  • HD7-BT1R: HD7 grip with 1 red self-resetting pushbutton;
  • M2: mounting dimension 85x85mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech Friction-hold Multi-axis ±5V Proportional Output 10K Potentiometer Joystick


RunnTech Multi-axis Self-centering Joystick Controller for Crane, Hoist and Winches

Product configuration:RT300-TS-2-L-3(5)-HD39-M5
  • RT300: RunnTech RT300 series crane joystick (master controller);
  • TS: self-centering and lock-in at centre (zero) position;
  • 2: 2 axis, cross limiting plate operation;
  • L: switch assembled horizontal;
  • 3(5): 3 steps each direction, (5): contact arrangement;
  • HD39: grip with latch for mechanical zero interlock;
  • M5: mounting dimension: 85x85mm, central hole: 78mm.

RunnTech Multi-axis Self-centering Joystick Controller for Crane, Hoist and Winches


RunnTech Industrial Joystick with Centre-tap Potentiometer for Hoist & Winches

Product configuration: RT100-M-1-V1(10K)-02(89)-HD1-BT1R-M1
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series industry joystick controller;
  • M: frictional movement to both direction from center;
  • 1: single axis movement control;
  • V1: input: DC24V, output: -10V…0…+10V;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer;
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
  • 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
  • BT1R: one red momentary thumb push button;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech 2x10k Ohm Conductive-plastic Centre-tap Potentiometer for Crane, Hoist & Winches


RunnTech 2 Axis Spring Return Joystick with 10K Center Tapped Potentiometer

Product configuration: RT100-T-2-P1(10K)-02(89)-HD1-BT1R-M1
  • RT100: RunnTech 100 series industry joystick controller;
  • T: spring return to center when release operation;
  • 2: dual axis, cross limiting plate operation;
  • P1: simple 2 direction output with center tapped;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer;
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
  • 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
  • HD1-BT1R: HD1 grip with 1 red momentary thumb push button;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech 2 Axis Spring Return with 10K Center Tapped  Potentiometer Joystick


RunnTech DC 24V Input, ±10V Analog Output with Mechanical Zero Interlock Joystick

Product configuration: RT200-TS-1-V1(10K)-02(89)-HD5-M1
  • RT200: RunnTech 200 series single axis joystick controller;
  • TS: spring return to center with mechanical zero interlock;
  • V1: input: DC24V, output: -10V…0…+10V;
  • 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer;
  • 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
  • 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
  • HD5: RunnTech joystick grip with mechanical zero interlock;
  • M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm.

RunnTech DC 24V Input, ±10V Analog Output with Mechanical Zero Interlock Joystick
