RunnTech Hall Sensor Joystick with Trigger, Pushbuttons & Rocker for Mining Simulators
Part number: RT100-T-3-HV1-HD10b13-BT2④B⑤R-BS2②G③Y-QTOT-M7
- RT100: RunnTech 100 series multi-axis joystick controller;
- T: mechanical spring return to center position;
- 3: dual axis omnidirectional movement control;
- HV1: input: 5 Vdc, output: 0 ~ 2.5 ~ 5 Vdc;
- HD10b13: HD10b13 joystick grip with deadman trigger;
- BT2④B⑤R: 2 on/off momentary pushbuttons;
- BS2②G③Y: 2 self-lock pushbuttons;
- M7: mounting dimension: 85x85mm, central hole: 80x80mm;