RunnTech 2 Axis Omnidirectional Joystick with Deadman, 6 Pushbutton & RS232 Output
Part number: RT02-T-3-HV1-03(589)-HD10b6-BT6②③⑥⑦G④⑤R-M6-RS232
- RT02: RunnTech 02 series robust joystick controller;
- T: spring return centering;
- 2: 2 axis omnidirectional movement;
- HV1: input: 5 Vdc, output: 0 ~ 2.5 ~ 5 Vdc;
- 03: 3 normally open contacts in each axis;
- 589: 2 directional switches + 1 center detecting switch;
- HD10b6: grip backside with deadman trigger;
- BT6②③⑥⑦G④⑤R: 6 momentary pushbuttons on upper face;
- M6: mounting dimension: 76x76mm, central hole: 92mm.
- RS232: RS232 connection interface.