RunnTech 2 Axis 10Vdc to 10Vdc Analog Joystick for Hauling Plants or Hoisting Devices
Product configuration: RT100-T-3-V2(10K)-02(89)-HD15-BT1-QTOT-M1
- RT100: RunnTech 100 series multi-axis joystick controller;
- T: self-return to center position;
- 3: Y/X axis omnidirectional movement;
- V2: input: 24Vdc, output: 10Vdc…0…10Vdc;
- 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer (with center tapped);
- 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
- (8): contacts @ +3° to +32° (directional signal);
- (9): contacts @ -3° to -32° (directional signal);
- HD15-BT1: HD15 grip handle with 1 deadman trigger;
- QTOT: 3 position rocker switch;
- M1: mounting dimension 56x56mm, central hole: 63mm;