Los joysticks industriales de la serie RT300 (controlador principal) se utilizan principalmente en puertos, muelles, minas de carbón u operaciones al aire libre, con voltaje de 380V AC y 220V DC a 50Hz y 60Hz para controlar las grúas de elevación, así como equipos de control eléctrico similares, como el arranque de motores, control de velocidad y freno.
Crane & Hoist Joystick Controller Gallery
HD39 grip single axis, I type (lift to release)
HD39 grip dual axis, I type (lift to release)
HD39 grip single axis, L type (lift to release)
HD39 grip dual axis, L type (lift to release)
HD2 grip single axis, I type
HD2 grip dual axis, I type
HD2 grip single axis, L type
HD2 grip dual axis, L type
HD5 grip single axis, I type (lift to release)
HD5 grip dual axis, I type (lift to release)
HD5 grip single axis, L type (lift to release)
HD5 grip dual axis, L type (lift to release)
HD6 grip single axis, I type (press to release)
HD6 grip dual axis, I type (press to release)
HD6 grip single axis, L type (lift to release)
HD6 grip dual axis, L type (lift to release)
HD7 grip single axis with 1 pushbutton, I type
HD7 grip dual axis with 1 pushbutton, I type
HD7 grip single axis with 1 pushbutton, L type
HD7 grip dual axis with 1 pushbutton, L type
HD8 grip single axis, I type
HD8 grip dual axis, I type
HD8 grip dual axis, L type
HD10 grip dual axis, with deadman and front max. with 6 pushbuttons