RunnTech Dual-axis 4mA to 20mA Output Joystick for Proportional Hydraulic Control
Product configuration: RT100-T-3-I1(10K)-02(89)-HD7-BT1R-M7
- RT100: RunnTech 100 series industrial joystick controller;
- T: mechanical spring-return to center;
- 1: single axis 2 directions movement;
- I1: input DC 24V/12V, output: 4mA…12mA…20mA;
- 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
- 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
- HD7-BT1R: RunnTech HD7 grip with 1 push buttons;
- M7: mounting dimension: 85x85mm, hole: 80x80mm.