RunnTech 2-axis Self-centering ±10V Proportional Joystick for Mining, Oil or Gas Industry
Product configuration: RT02-T-2-V1(10K)-02(89)-HD9-BT2⑥R④G-BS2①Y②B-M6
- RT02: RunnTech 02 series robust joystick controller;
- T: mechanical spring return to center (self-centering);
- 2: dual axis cross direction movement;
- V1: input: DC 24V, output: -10V…0…+10V;
- 10K: 10K ohm precision potentiometer;
- 02: 2 normally open contacts in each axis;
- 89: contacts @ -32° to -3° or +3° to +32°;
- HD9: grip with multi-function pushbuttons;
- BT2⑥R④G: 2 momentary pushbuttons;
- BS2①Y②B: 2 self-lock pushbuttons;
- M6: mounting dimension: 76x76mm, central hole: 92mm.